Object: Mountain cottages
Place: Špindlerův Mlýn, GPS chaty: 50°44’10.608″N, 15°36’30.915″E
Address: Špindlerův Mlýn č.p.255, PSČ: 543 51
Phone number: +420 731 947 585

Owner: Irena Polednová
Contact person: Veronika Polednová
IČ: 75245531
DIČ: CZ75245531
Zapsán na živnostenském úřadu ve Žďáře nad Sázavou

Payment for accomodation:

Use contact form or send email to with required term of the accommodation. You will get answer if the cottage is free and will get booking sheet to pay 50% of price to the bank account. After the payment we will inform you about the payment recieved. You have to pay additional payment 7 days before your arrive to the accomodation.


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